Robot Cables
Since we started developing cables for robot in 1983, we have improved extra-fine line technology and have provided long life cables utilizing our original design ability with repeatability for reliance regarding bending and twisting etc. As a result, our business has steadily expanded and our cables are highly respected as bend proof cables. We maintain our No. 1 market share in the highly competitive continuous robot cable industry.
Power Cables
DYDEN contributes to a safe and comfortable life through supplying electric power cables. We consistently focus on developing higher quality electric power cables.
Through many years of experience and an outstanding history of accomplishments, we have receive high evaluation and trust from our customers and our cables are widely used in the electric power industry and in other industries as well.
Hydraulic equipment, precision metal processing, plastic precision molding
DYDEN expanded in the field of industrial equipment in 1970 by utilizing our technology cultured in the process producing electrical power cables. Specifically, our battery indicators, which are made from the high-precision molding techniques of plastic, is an example of our technological advancements. Our original idea to find the state of charge of batteries at one view with color change was an industry first and we were the first in the world to comercialized the technology.
For our hydraulic valves, we have actively supported our customers from the development stage for many years and as a result have become a tursted partner. Withstanding the harsh ocean environment, Dyden is active in the seas around the world.
Network devices
Dyden is a pioneer in media converters and developed a model ahead of other companies. Subsquently, we developed the smallest media converter in the world which was the same size as a business card. We have released several media converters of this type since 2003.